Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 59: Work

Did my first maternity shoot today and it was AWESOME! I knew the subject so I she was pretty comfortable with me. I did my homework and learned some good lighting for this shoot. Now I need to study new born babies. Woohoo!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 58: Runner

Today was my day off... NOT! I shot a track meet and two concerts. The concerts were a little hectic since I had to make some quick decisions so I can cover both without missing any of it. I am the man haha. Tomorrow I get to shoot my first maternity and Im really excited. Ive been studying a lot of photos so I think Im ready. Ill post some one my other blog when I finish.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 57: Windows

I shot the first baseball game today at UTPA. Had some trouble trying to get passed the entrance. They decide to give out press passes... I tell you UTPA is so weird when it comes to Athletics. I guess they fall in with the rest of the Valley for being behind from the rest of the world. Anyhoo I had a good time covering the game. Go check out some photos on my other photo blog.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 56: Migrants

Had another trip to Mexico today. Today we visited the migrant home, which provides shelter for people that are traveling... mainly to the USA. Some of these people have interesting stories and are determined to cross into the US to get a better job and life. Some get robbed my the cartels and some even die. A few of them asked me if there were any job openings, but I told them no. Its the truth though... Photographer jobs are starting to disappear. Im lucky to still have one. Good luck to those that lost their jobs in my field. It would be a bad decision to leave for something smaller.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 55: Hotel

Long day. I am beat.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 54: Game

I can't stress how much I love basketball, especially NCAA. This game was just awesome. It came down to the last minute and I was able to cover the game really well. One thing that does bother me is covering games at the local college. I know they don't really know how manage a D1 school, but come on... I know what I'm doing. I went to school and have learned the rules for my job. I had the same problem with the baseball shoot yesterday. Its called a Media Day for a reason... USE IT. Anyhoo, I'm a little sad that basketball is coming to a close, but March Madness is just around the corner WOOP WOOP!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 53: Baseball

So I was out shooting a baseball portrait at UTPA today. I get there early and set up my lights. The guy that mows the lawn comes up to me and says what am I doing. So I explained to him my plan and he was a little worried because he wasn't finished, which was ok cause I had time to kill. Then comes the team for practice... so now I have to set up a new location, which is no problem. Until I find out that one of my subjects is still in class and won't be ready for another 20 minutes. GREAT!!! ok so I move to the side and plan another idea. The coach decided to change one of my players, which was ok. Took the shot and was done, then comes the one I was missing. Set the lights up again and did a re shoot. It came out ok, but I still wish I had my original idea. The weather was perfect for it. Anyhoo, here are some balls for you to look at HAHA!!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 52: Remote

Another sick day, but feeling a little better. I spent the whole day watching tv and of course curling was on. I think I understand it now. Seems pretty easy. The mens curling is much more entertaining, but the women's curling has more attractive players haha. I go back to work tomorrow... hopefully it's an easy day.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 51: Medication

I called in sick today. Not feeling to good right now. I wish my parents were here to buy my soup, oj and water. Ahhh the good times.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 50: Basket

Long trip to Corpus to cover some girls basketball. We won. I feel like crap. Now Im off to take some more meds and knock out.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 49: Rain

I shot this in Reynosa while we looked for a shoot out. Geez I felt like we were in high school waiting for the fight to happen. Right now I feel a little umm... I dont want to say it, but it starts with the litter S and ends with a K. SNAP is anyone watching Canada and Switzerland game? What a game. They are going to a shoot out, which is great cause Im going to go to the AP website and see how the photogs cover a shoot out.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 48: Look Up

I had a photo shoot for some high school swimmers today. My reporter decided to have it during practice... what a GREAT idea right??? Umm no! You can't have lights and people splashing around going on at the same time. It was a disaster... oh so it wasn't, but I was really looking forward to making some nice portraits of some swimmers. Another time I guess.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 47: Stairs

Today was a boring day. I actually went to some places and I guess I didn't see anything that I liked. So I got stuck with this photo haha. After a weird schedule change I'm ready to start my 10 day work week. Lent is tomorrow and I'm planning to take a break from eating out at restaurants and drinking. No, I'm not that religious, but I do have my faith so lets see if I can take the bad habits away haha...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 46: Jinga

I did some car maintenance today. Didn't cost much, which is great, but will see if I did it right. I went to a bar tonight for a friends birthday and they had Jinga. The cool part was the stuff people had written on the blocks.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 45: Two

A pretty bamboo tree. I'm off the next two days... some how my schedule got screwed over... glah.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 44: Goat

Don't step on the.... SHIT! Today I covered an FFA student and his pig. Yes... I did step on the poo. Today was LONG, but fun. I pulled in over 15 hours and I had to take one for the team and go out with my friends.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 43: Wine

So today was just plain AWESOME!!! I did another restaurant review. This time it was Spanish and the food was great. I went with one of our interns. We had a great pre-valentine meal with a glass of wine (shhhh) She is an awesome chick, but sucks that she will be leaving soon. Maybe we'll be able to work together sometime in the future.
I also shot a portrait of some basketball players and now I am here waiting for my photos to transfer over from tonight's hockey game. I'm actually impressed with the photos I shot today. Don't forget to check them out on my photo blog. I'm a little bummed that I missed the opening ceremony for the Olympics, but its all gravy. Im supposed to go shoot some cops tonight in the downtown area, but Ill just wait till tomorrow. FYI... I have almost a 15 hours shift tomorrow. YAY ME.... NOT!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 42: Pan Dulce

Ok so another day with food on the blog. This wasn't free, but I did find a good place that sold the only bread I LOVE to eat. FYI its not this one. I didn't take a photo cause there were only two left and I grabbed them before someone got them. I went to a quilt show and it was really interesting. I like chit chatting with grannies haha and I get to use my charm on them.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 41: Jaimaican Oxtail

So I was lucky today to try something new. Ox tail. It was pretty good. I also had Memphis style BBQ and that was great too. I love food, thank the lord for my ADD. I would be HUGE with out it haha. Today was cold and rainy, but I really love this weather and I can't even remember the last time I saw the sun. Anyhoo, I updated my photo blog so go check it out if you have time.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 40: Puppy

So I did my taxes... NEVER. AGAIN will I go to those people. I lost out on $200. Im going to the same guy next year, if Im still down here. Anyhoo, the best part of going there was this puppy. He is SOOO cute and he was sitting next to me. Oh and it took more than an hour to do my taxes... my original guy takes 10min MAX... ugh... So thats that. Tomorrow I start my 10 days of work. Im ready and well rested.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 39: Ties

Had a relaxing day today. Did some cleaning, washing and shopping. I figured out that I can't wear plaid shirts. Ill look like a cholo and I don't look good in sun glasses, which sucks cause I always wanted to wear sun glasses. I was looking for a nice shirt to wear, but couldn't find one. I wanted to buy a tie too... what sucks about ties and myself is that my neck is pretty big so it's hard to find a shirt that fits me right and won't choke me.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 38: Parrot

So I finally had a day off. No really I didn't do much. I went to my hangout with my family from down here (adopted family) and watched the Colts lose... freaking losers. Anyhoo, I don't really care about football. I can't for March Madness!!! Goals for tomorrow: clean apt, farmville, look for a photo, gym, drop off an invoice to get paid and.... will see what else happens.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 37: Boxing

Ok soooo today was my day off right? NOT!!! I was out shooting some boxing tonight. I also shot some photos of a packed McAllen Convention Center for some extra dinero. This is why I have no life, why I have no girlfriend (which is ok, cause women are here to....) well I wont go into that. I love taking photos so much that I cant stop. Its like a drug for me. I enjoy it so much that I dont sleep sometimes haha. UGH!!! I think Im sick... Well maybe not. I am a very dedicated man. Anyhoo, check out some of my boxing photos on my other photo blog. Just click on "Life Through the Lens" link on the right of this page. Also this is the third night I have rejected alcohol with my friends because Im tired haha. Im supposed to shoot some maternity photos, but Im not sure if thats going to happen. Will see.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 36: Explosion

What a day!!! I found out today that there will be a Wienerschnitzel down here... Im so excited haha I also took a photo with a NASA Astronaut. That was awesome. Somebody at work told me that if I don't get tired of my work schedule? Pretty much, no. Im a work-a-holic and sadly I am very dedicated to anything I want too. Yea my body gets so tired, but I like to push it to the limit. One of the reasons why I can work 22 hours straight sleep 2 and do it all over again for a week or two. Something that has been on my mind lately are the Navy Seals. Thats one thing I wish I could have trained or gone to try it out. The training they go through is amazing and what they are able to do. I am going to start running... maybe even train for a 10k or so. Will see, which me luck haha.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 35: Palm Trees

I originally had a different photo ready to go, but I ran into this one. It reminded me of dandelions. I wanted to get one and just blow it and see the seeds fly away. Ok, I'm. I just worked a 13 hour shift and I am tired.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 34: Rain

Its been raining here lately and I am loving it. Although my windows are fogging up a little cause my AC isn't working, but oh well. Here is a pretty photo for you. Enjoy it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 33: Tree

I don't know what to right here...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 32: Flag Retirement

I was originally looking for a cloud to have as my photo of the day, but it's been really cloudy down here lately. The cloud was meant for my cousin who passed away late last year. I had a dream and asked him how things have been since the accident. I woke up thinking why I asked him that. Anyhoo, have you ever seen a flag retirement? Its an amazing thing to watch. They actually cut the flag by color and burn it. AWESOME!!! They also retired the Mexican flag, which I was hoping to take a photo of, but they need to burn it in Mexico. One thing I LOVE to do is sing the Mexican anthem quietly. I LOVE it so much. It feel proud to be Mexican/American everytime it's played. If you haven't heard it, then I suggest you hear it and memorize the words too. hahah.