Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 212: Flower

I headed out to the office to make some calls. I also spent the day watching HIMYM... and drinking some stuff. For some reason I like watching this tv show while I drink. Anyhoo, I still have somethings in my head, but they are slowly going away. I want to say something, but I cant SOOOO....

One thing... Im not picky, I just know what I want and I cant find what I want here.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 211: My Dog

Slow, but lazy day. Cooked lunch for some friends... now ready to call it a day.

PS Snoopy likes cuddling, but not with me. But I do!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 210: Flood and Clouds

Day four of shooting football players around their schools. I got stuck in the Delta area cause of the floods as you can see by the photo. One thing I am enjoying with these works... I get to drive around back roads and just listen to music. I get to relax... get things I have had in my head... Release STRESS!!! Ive been watching 500 Days of Summer a LOT lately... Its given me strength for some reason. anyhoo there is a quote I just love. So with that I leave you with this...

"What always happens? Life."

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 209: Ducks

I had a break today during my shoots today so I came to this man made lake and it was nice and peaceful. It was great. I was able to clear my mind a little. I just finished editing some of my photos and I think today was a little better. I changed up the lighting just a little. I hope people like these photos. Im still in the learning process with portraits. Anyhoo right now I feel really good. The last time I felt ok was about 12 days ago. Now what? I dont know. All I know is that I want to be happy! Enjoy the ducks hah

Oh one more thing... My card ran out of space so you know what that means... Download and erase the memories from the past two months! Out with the old In with the new.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 208: Clouds

So this is one of the new schools down here in South Texas. Its VERY nice and big. Anyhoo I was out here do a photo shoot with a coach and a football player. I waited for an hour and half, but I got the job done. There were nice clouds out today and luckily it didnt rain. I originally shot this photo thinking of someone that loves photos of clouds =/

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 207: Rose

Ok... I dont know if this photo will bring me good or bad memories in the future. One thing I hate about being a photographer is the fact that I always remember things by looking at photos. Dont get me wrong... some are bad and some are good memories. This photo will be ether good or bad. We will see. The story about this photo:

I saw it as soon as I walked into a school to do a photo shoot. See the sign in the back? Yea... Im a rebel! Ok ok calm down. Yes I felt weird taking this rose... YES I took it. Left if for someone... and let me tell you... Cutting the rose was a pain. Who said picking roses was easy? my fingers still hurt getting this. But I got it!!! Now we wait to see if this photo will bring good or bad memories. Oh and I recommend everyone watches 500 Days of Summer! Great movie! Sometimes we need some motivation to move on with certain things. Its part of life.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 206: Car

I LOVE these kind of cars... I really REALLY love these cars. 1936's!!! Can someone please buy me one... Ive been looking for a model, but I cant find one. Heads up porfavor. Thanks!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 205: Is two better than one?

I was leaving my apartment for work and I saw these two birds sitting on the wires. I busted a U-turn and decided to try and get the photo of the day out of the way... wait what? Anyhoo... I thought this was appropriate for whats on my mind at the moment. I guess... Do you ever wonder why these two birds are together? Are they related? Are they in love? Are they just friends? Are they males or females? I wonder! I actually had a close up of the birds, but decided to use this one. I like the lines and the fact that they arent other birds around. Just the two of them. They can make it if they try... Can they really? It takes two objects to make things workout! Communication is a big thing...

Anyhoo... I like this birds photo!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 204: Hey DJ!!!

I had a rough day today... but it all changed when I covered this DJ. I love house music. Trance, House, Techno... It puts me in my zone. This was shot right before the doors opened so thats why there arent people on the dance floor. I love these kind of shots with the lights. It took me a while to figure out what I needed to do to get this photo with my point and shoot, but I did it. As for the rest of the night.... sigh!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 203: Bee

Finally got myself the last bee on my farmville... I mean... I was glad I didnt get stung doing this photo hah. Dont really have much to say at the moment.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 202: Spikes

This plant is right outside of the Edinburg Courthouse and Ive been wanting to take a photo of it... actually touch it hah... Dont ask. Unless you really want to know. Well what can I say... I can other tell you whats in my head right now... or just not mention anything... As much as I would like tell you... I think Im going to pass. Ill just go write my secret blogs at myspace.

Oh one thing I will say... I am listening to Kate Nash... Her voice gives me hope!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 201: Light

Ok soooo I think I finally snapped out of my... whatever I was in... four days... UGH it sucked!!! I thought about some things that have been going on in my life and decided to make a final decision. I need to worry about myself more often. I hanged out with a co worker last night and started thinking of how lonely I have been... Five years down here and I have pretty much nothing! I try to do stuff, but I just get shoved around! They say people like nice guys... I say people just like to push them around and play with them... Who knows, but five years here and nothing has changed for me. For some reason everything seems to go in a circle for me and it SUCKS!!! Why am I still here? Cause I cant find someone to hire me... or the right place.

Anyhoo In other news I found a Chinese place today that I might like!!! The WOK in Edinburg. I also spent less than $60 at walmart... and I cleaned my apt... ok its not perfect, but Its clean now and still smelling good. This is day 201... lets see what happens for the next 164 days that remain.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 200: Pool time

Ok so this was shot Monday in the early AM. I know I wasnt going to do anything today... Ive been in this state of mind and I dont like it... I knew this was going to happen sometime soon. Luckily it happened now.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 199: Condensation

Sooooo I didnt do anything yesterday and I didnt do anything today... I know im boring. I did go have dinner with my friend and his wife and meet some of her friends. That was fun... actually thought they were a little normal since they are from the Valley hah but Im sure there is something wrong with them. One thing I have said over and over... Im glad Im not a Valley guy!!! Thank you!!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 198: Camera

This is my quad camera. I also have a split cam. I love buying toy cameras and I need to buy more.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 197: R.A.s Sportsbar & Grill

So this is R.A.s Sportsbar & Grill. Its right behind my apartment. I actually kind of like it, except that they allow smoking and I hate smelling like an ashtray. They had karaoke and I was ready to go sing the Killers, but it was past 12am so I missed the deadline. They had some ok singers... the best part is winner wins $50 cash and $50 at the bar... I would love the $50 at the bar more than the cash hah... Anyhoo that was last night past midnight. This morning I went to the International bridge to take some photos and I swear the cartel has its little spies around the bridge make sure everything is going ok. I noticed this only cause there was a looking homeless man with a cell phone and pointing the thing at me... thats not normal. I also felt like i had eyes all over me... Its my sixth sense hah.. anyhoo I made it back alive!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 196: Embassy Suites

The Embassy Suites is an AWESOME hotel!!! Its so pretty inside... Im making plans to stay here for a day or two. I already have someone in mind! Its in McAllen, but I can pretend like I am a tourist hah

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 195: Flooding

So I finally had a chance to go shoot some flooding... South Texas is falling into the river haha... Nahh its ok. Here is one of the RV parks near the Rio Grande River that is starting to flood. They say this place might be underwater in the next few days. We'll see.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 194: Coors

Had a weird day today so I bought some Coors... ok I dont really care what kind of beer I drink. This was just cheap so I bought it. Dont worry people Im sure Il like your favorite beer. Anyhoo I had a great company. Played some pictionary. I was little giddy too!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 193: Pinto League

Shot a pinto league thats heading to the little league series. Umm I dont know what else to say... I have stuff running through my mind and its not really good stuff. I need to get over this mood Ive been lately.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 192: Derailment

So I came home... turned on the tv... facebooked a little... then I check twitter and I see photos of a derailment. GREAT, there I go. This is what I saw. Funny thing is when people come up to me and ask me... what happened? Ummm do you see the train on the floor... I should just tell them a unicorn came and pushed the train to the sky... later falling to the ground hah

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 191: Web

I HATE spiders... they creep me out. I even had a panic attack watching Charlotte's Web! Youll see a Raid can near the entrance of my apartment when you walk in haha. Anyhoo I was out shooting some kids that were taking photos of animals, flowers and anything else that they can find at one of our nature center. It was cool to see the kids actually get down on the floor and get dirty just to take a photo... the best part... They didnt complain about their point and shoot camera and my cameras... then again this photo was done with a point and shoot hah.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 190: Ink

Spent three hours outside the federal building waiting for someone to come out so I can attack them with my camera... mission accomplished! I was staring up into the trees when I shot this.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 189: Oh Amber!

So today was another shitty day. Amber had a flat tire and I had to buy new ones... Total of $850 in two weeks fixing Amber... Oy baby I love you. Ill get on my feet again... grrrr. Today I just wanted to turn on the AC crawl under the the blankets and cuddle with someone!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 188: Clouds and Water

So this is water coming from Monterrey Mexico after Hurricane Alex. Its crazy... I was told there were trees and cows... I did see a fridge but it got stuck on the bushes. So that sucks. This is supposed to be getting high soon so Ill keep my eyes open. Oh and I like the clouds hah

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 187: Pump

So Ive been going on and off to the gym lately. Mainly off cause of work... yea its open 24/7 but I get tired of driving around, standing in the sun for hours and just running around. People tell me why dont I still go... well those people sit in the office facebooking, myspacing, twittering.... Must be nice huh? Anyhoo I did gain a few pounds lately not a lot, but still. I have my goal and Im going to get there... especially cause I want to impress hahah

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 186: Millie

Soooo Im a dog person. I love dogs, but lately Ive been falling for cats. I mean Ive always loved cats, but they are getting to my heart... AWWWWW!!! This is MIllie and there is two more. There actually is one with a mustache! They are so cute... ugh what am I saying... But I want a cat now. NO I DONT!!! YES!!! Glah.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 185: 4th of July

I love this place hahah... The pool is awesome and people are great. So its the fourth of July I did some bbqing. Do I really know how to bbq? I think I got it after doing research and research and more research. Its not that hard. I should BBQ at my apt since their is a pit right in front of my door. I had a great time with great company, fireworks and good food. I think this had to been one of the best holidays Ive had in a LONG time. Ive been feeling really good lately.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 184: Glasses

I wait for the last second for this photo today. I was hoping to get some fireworks, but it didnt happen so I went out had a beer and had to think of something quick hah.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 183: Alex Bombsy

So my friend is taking care of a white wing dove that a co worker found outside their home. She wanted to name it Alex... I wanted to name it Bombsy... What do you think is cute? Alex is from Hurricane Alex and Bombsy is patriotic for the fourth of july. I liked the bird... it was cute and im such a wuss hah but i dont want to break the thing... it is a baby. anyhoo I hope she takes care of it good and will see what happens with Bombsy. This would be actually pretty cool to document hah.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 182: After the Storm

So I went out today looking for damage that Hurricane Alex did... not much out there. I did find some flooded colonias, but Im sure the water will be gone in the next few days. We had a ride with County officials to see what was good and what was bad.