Today was a good day. I headed out to the beach with some peeps and chilled for a while. Got my tan going and had a great time. Oh I did meet a girl... She was like 4 or something hah. She was the daughter of one of the friends. Crazy thing is I still dont know who the mom is hah. One of our friends brought this girl over to play in the water. She later left, but the girl stayed in the water and myself being protective I started to play with her. So guess what happened? Yea she made a bff hah. We kept playing with me. One of my friends told me I was ready to be a dad. Pshhh Im going to be a bad ass dad. Now if only women would start being so insecure and just trust me... Glah!!! Anyhoo I stepped out of the water for a while and this little girl came running to me and told me "Hey I went looking for you. Where were you?" I was like EEK sorry. We later took off and she was sad. Im sure ill never see her again haha but she was cool. I did have a good time talking to new people though. I just need to remind myself about the past. One thing I learned today was.... Dont try to impress someone, instead try to impress yourself. I think I like that. One more thing... You guys need to check out Oh No Oh My! They are from Austin and they are a great band. Im hoping to go see them perform again soon. We'll see.
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